- Absence without leave is seriously viewed and in case of ten consecutive days of absence, name of the pupil shall be struck off the rolls. S/he would be re-admitted after s/he has paid all the dues with fresh admission fee and that too at the discretion of the Principal.
- Leave should be taken in advance or absentee note be sent through student’s diary if the absence is on the compelling ground.
- All the students are expected to attend the classes on the opening and closing day before/after vacations. Absence because of sickness must be supported with a medical certificate. Students attending the school after suffering from an infectious disease such as measles, chickenpox, cholera, mumps, whooping cough etc. must produce a fitness certificate from the competent authority.
School Uniform For Girls
White half-sleeve shirt, dark brown (coffee colour) pleated skirt, brown socks, black shoes, school belt, tie & badge.
White full-sleeve shirt, dark brown (coffee colour) pleated skirt, brown socks, black shoes, school belt, tie & badge.
P.T. Uniform
House T-shirt, white pleated skirt, white ribbon, white canvas shoes, white socks, school belt, tie & badge.
School Uniform For Boys
White half-sleeve shirt, dark brown (coffee colour) shorts/ trousers, brown socks, black shoes, school belt, tie & badge.
White full-sleeve shirt, dark brown (coffee colour) shorts/ trousers, brown socks, black shoes, school belt, tie & badge.
P.T. Uniform
House T-shirt, white shorts/trousers, white canvas shoes, white socks, school belt, tie & badge. Maroon plain V-neck pullover for both boys and girls.