Affilliated by Prolific Educational Institutions of India.

Parents Coner  

A very warm welcome to you, dear parents. DAV Public School feels privileged to gather into its fold proud parents of bright and spirited children. This is a special corner for you where we provide you with information about the latest trends in education, tips and suggestions for effective parenting.

In the tranquil days of Gurukuls in ancient times, the Guru not only took care of the education of inmates (the job of a teacher) but was also responsible for the upbringing of the child (the job of the parents). However, in this age of consumerism and fast changing society man has paid little heed to the maintaining of values, as a result of which, the Value System in today's society is in danger. The children, being the future generation of tomorrow, need to be molded at a tender age itself and we teachers are exerting ourselves fully to give the best to your child.

What is expected of DAV Parents
Parents are requested to co-operate with the school in its attempt to help their children's progress by paying attention to their regularity, punctuality and discipline and by taking interest in their academic performance.

Attention of parents is drawn to the fact that criticism of the teacher or school in the presence of their children should be scrupulously avoided because it causes them to lose respect for their teachers with the consequent failure to learn from them. If further retards his / her progress.

Children, when sick, should not be sent to school to attend tests / classes. They are required to inform the school if there is any change in their address or telephone numbers.

All text books & note books should be neatly covered & labelled.

Student must be sent in clean & freshly washed, neatly pressed uniform everyday.
Dear Parents,
The examination time has arrived. All concerned may be busy with their child to get a good result and the child to score that single extra mark than their neighbour's child. The pulse rate of the parents must be rising especially for those parents whose children are appearing the board examination. This may lead us to stress the child more for that which he cannot achieve. I strongly believe that diamond can only shine when it is polished and gold shines when it is heated and hit. But there is difference between metals and mind.

Here in the following lines some simple tips are highlighted to destress the child and make the examinations more enjoyable.

Must Do's For Parents,

1 Students can fail to do well if they fail to cope with stress. Parents should guide their children in planning, organizing and setting a timetable.

2. To avoid a stress situation for the child, the parents must provide right kind of motivation and a conducive environment.

3. Help the child to develop self-discipline, self-direction, self-confidence and a sense of achievement.

4 Just good schooling and tuition are not substitute for emotional cushioning. Treat the child emotionally.

5. Help the child in maintaining his confidence especially when he seems discouraged by his dropping concentration due to low marks or grades. Do not displace your anxiety on the child.

6. The achievement goals should be realistically set according to the child's capacity. At this point, do not make any comparison.

7. Do not mix academic issues with family conflicts.

8. Praise your child when he does well. Encourage the child's ability & performance with positive statements like, "Well done", "You can do better", rather than saying "that was not enough". Be with the child when he requires some emotional comfort.

9. Work out your child's schedule with him instead of nagging him. There could be learning problems. Do not harp on previous failures or results.

10. Under achievement may be due to some children believing "it is safer not to try than to try and fail."

11. If achievement expectations are too high then some children would prefer to be criticized for being lazy than being considered not good enough.

12. Humor relieves tension. Be light and humourous with the child. Yet be firm.

13. Try to gain your child's confidence and discuss his problems with him. Help him to find a solution.

14. Exams are not the end of the world. Accept that, expectation for everyone to do well is unrealistic, as many won:t pursue this for long.

Thanks for a Patient Reading.

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Jamui - 811307, Bihar
Phone No : +91 6345-224272
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Website :  www.davjamui.com

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